What is your current individual annual income?
How much do you currently have saved for retirement?
How much do you currently contribute each month to supplement your retirement savings?
Congratulations! You are on a solid path toward the retirement you want. Take time at least once a year to assess your retirement plan to make sure you’re still on track or if you need to make changes to achieve your goals.
Your calculation has indicated a potential gap in the retirement income you’ll have and what you might actually need. There are different strategies and solutions you can use to help you save during different stages of your career and to secure income during your retirement. You should work with an NEA Retirement Specialist to find the right strategy to help you close your income savings gap.

Social Security and/or State Pension

Supplemental Savings

Savings Gap
- Client Age: Input from user
- Client Income: Input from user
- Retirement Savings: Input from user; projected savings amount available upon retirement calculated on an annual basis (vs. monthly)
- Inflation: Assumed to be 3 percent per year
- Client Retirement Age: Assumed to be 65
- Retirement Years: Assumed to be 30-year span
- Retirement Replacement: Assumes the need to replace 100 percent of your pre-retirement income
- Pre-Retirement Return: 6 percent
- Post-Retirement Return: 6 percent
- Include Social Security and/or State Pension: Assumes replacement of 60 percent of current salary
- Gap: For any result of $100 or less, which would result in a recommendation of saving less than a dollar more per month, we report no gap.
If you start over, your input will be discarded. Are you sure you want to start over?
Supplemental Savings
Your projected supplemental savings at retirement is the calculation of your monthly savings projected until age 65 at an assumed 6 percent rate of return, combined with your total supplemental savings projected until age 65 with an assumed 6 percent rate of return.
Social Security and/or State Pension
The 5-Minute Checkup assumes that Social Security and/or a state pension benefit will make up an average of 60 percent of your retirement income. This tool assumes your retirement income equals 100 percent of your current working income and calculates 60 percent of that number (source: Social Security Administration).
Savings Gap
Your potential retirement income needs are calculated by projecting your current salary over 30 years with an assumed 3 percent inflation. Your potential savings gap is derived by assuming you need to supplement 40 percent of your potential retirement income needs (assumes Social Security and/or a state pension benefit cover 60 percent of your needs) minus any existing supplemental savings you currently have (monthly and supplemental savings are projected until age 65 at an assumed 6 percent rate of return).
Close Your Savings Gap
Your calculation has indicated a potential gap in your retirement income. Saving more per month could help you close your $ potential gap.
Estimated annual contribution to close savings gap:
This is only an estimate. Please consult your NEA Retirement Specialist (to locate a specialist call 800.632.8258) for more information or if your contribution exceeds IRS limits ($18,000/annually or $1,500/monthly).
Please consult with your NEA Retirement Specialist on annual IRS contribution limits.